If you take the time to study a building that you admire you will mostly probably note that there are some aspects that have been touched by a renderer or solid plasterer. You will also note that the quality of the finish is obvious to the eye. In our eyes, this makes it very important to get it right.
There are a wide variety of premixed renders for different situations. Some have a polymer additive to the traditional cement, lime and sand mix for enhanced water resistance, flexibility and adhesion.
This section of the website is dedicated to our Melbourne renderers who use acrylic render or what we refer to as modern render and modern render systems. For more traditional methods see our Solid Plastering page.
”We believe that quality rendering is essential and will ultimately affect
the final look and value of the property it is attached to.”
Acrylic premixed renders have superior water resistance and strength. They can be used on a wider variety of surfaces, including concrete, cement blocks, and AAC concrete panelling. With the right preparation, they can be used on smoother surfaces like cement sheeting, and new high tech polymer exterior cladding such expanded Polystyrene.
Some of these premixed acrylic renders have a smoother complexion than traditional renders. There are also a wide variety of acrylic bound pigmented ‘designer’ finishing coats that can be applied over acrylic render. Depending upon the product, they can be rolled, trowelled or sponged on. A limited number can also be sprayed on. Various finishes, patterns and textures are possible such as sand, sandstone, marble, stone, stone chip, lime wash or clay like finishes. There are stipple, glistening finishes, and those with enhanced water resistance and anti fungal properties. Acrylic renders take only 2 days to dry and cure – much faster than the 28 days for traditional render.
Each system has its own method of application and subsequent pro’s and cons of which the application method has to be perfected. This is something we have achieved time and time again.
To make the decision process easier and more assuring for the client, we are by appointment available to provide samples and product knowledge in collaboration with the system representatives.
In situations where a system is specified; We will review the system’s compatibility with all aspects of the job, when satisfied it will work correctly we will complete the works in accordance with the system specifications and work with the manufacturer to achieve the relevant warranties.
If we indentify aspects of a specified system that may not work with your project we will notify you and aim to identify a better system for your project.
If we select the system; We will communicate with the client to identify the finish and protective aspects that you are looking to achieve on your project. We will then utilize our knowledge and product representatives to identify a superior system for your project. Following this we will complete the works in accordance with the system specifications to achieve a quality finish and relevant warranties.
Some of the modern cladding systems Paint Melbourne renderers install and render;
- Polystyrene Systems. (Hanging, Meshing, Angling& Rendering Two Or Three Coat Systems)
- Hebel Systems (Hanging, Meshing, Angling & Rendering Two Or Three Coat Systems)
- Blue board Systems (Hanging, Meshing, Angling& Rendering Two Or Three Coat Systems).
- Quick N Tuff Lightweight Masonry Panel.
We Also Install Polystyrene Architectural Mouldings (Hanging, Gluing & Rendering) Manufactured To Specifications.
- Unitex Moulding Systems
- Technical Moulding Systems
- Austuff MouldingsSystems.
Some of the modern finishes we can apply or produce;
- Coloured Acrylic Wet Texture (trowelled) (sponge)
- Sand, Cement & Lime Finishes (sponge, scud, render & float)
- Non Coloured Dry Texture (trowelled) (sponge)
- Concrete Finishes (trowelled)
- Marble Finishes (trowelled)
- Tuscano Finishes (sponge)
- Rendering Groove Patterns & Systems.
- Zypex Megamix 2
We have installed and or are endorsed installers for products and manufacturers such as:
- Unitex Render Systems
- The Render Warehouse Systems (now unitex)
- Tuscano Roman Render Systems
- Dulux Acra-TexTexture Systems
- Taubmans Arma-Wall Systems
- Wattle Texture Systems
- Chad Texture Systems
- Nutex Render Systems
- Rockcote Render Systems
- Mac Render Systems
- Euro Render SystemsMoulding
- Renderroc